VOGUE フランス版&イタリア版に取り上げて頂きました!
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VOGUE フランス版&イタリア版に取り上げて頂きました!
#vogue #yoshikimono #yoshiki #kimono #着物 #victoriaandalbertmuseum #東京国立博物館
6月30日開幕 特別展「きもの KIMONO」
YOSHIKI が手掛けるきものブランド「YOSHIKIMONO」を選出
東京国立博物館平成館(上野公園)では6月30日(火)から8月23日(日)まで、特別展「きもの KIMONO」 を開催します。本展では、信長・秀吉・家康・篤姫など歴史上の著名人が着用したきものや、尾形光琳直筆の小 袖に加え、きものが描かれた国宝の絵画作品、さらに現代デザイナーによるきものなど約 300 件の作品を一堂に 展示。鎌倉時代から現代までを通史的に総覧するかつてない規模の展覧会です。
この特別展「きもの KIMONO」に、XJAPANのリーダーで世界的アーティストであるYOSHIKIが手掛けるきも のブランド「YOSHIKIMONO」が、現代を代表するきもの作品として選出されました。呉服屋の長男として生まれ 育った YOSHIKI がデザイナーを務める「YOSHIKIMONO」は、現代女性や外国人にも似合うきものを目指し、テー マに掲げるのは『伝統と革新の融合』。きものという伝統的な日本の衣装形態を継承し、その美意識を尊重しつ つ、現代性をもつコレクションを発信し続けています。
「YOSHIKIMONO」は、「800 年以上を生き抜き、今なお新たなファッション・シーンを繰り広げる『きもの』 を、現代を生きる日本文化の象徴として展覧し、その過去・現在・未来を見つめる機会とする」という本展の コンセプトに大変ふさわしく、このたびの選出に至りました。
今年 2 月からは、かの有名な英国ロンドン・ヴィクトリア&アルバート博物館の着物展でも、YOSHIKIMONO は 展示作品として大抜擢され、アレキサンダー・マックイーンやイヴ・サンローランなど著名デザイナーによる 作品と肩を並べて展示されています。
【特別展「きもの KIMONO」 開催概要】
開催期間 : 2020年6月30日(火)~8月23日(日)
[前期展示] 6 月 30 日(火)~7 月 26 日(日)
[後期展示] 7 月 28 日(火)~8 月 23 日(日)
開催場所 : 東京国立博物館 平成館
開館時間 :
休 館 日 :
観 覧 料 :
〒110-8712 東京都台東区上野公園13-9 午前9時30分~午後6時
※総合文化展は午後5時まで 月曜日、8月11日[火](8月10日[月・祝]は開館) 日時指定+観覧セット券
一般 1,700 円、大学生 1,200 円、高校生 900 円(税込)
※障がい者とその介護者 1 名は無料。「日時指定券」の予約は不要です。入館の際に障がい者手帳などをご提示 ください。
事前予約制: 新型コロナウイルスの感染予防・拡散防止のため、本展では事前予約制(日時指定券)を
導入します。本展の観覧にはオンラインによる事前予約が必要となります。詳細は展覧会公式サイトをご 確認ください。
主 催 : 東京国立博物館、朝日新聞社、テレビ朝日、文化庁、日本芸術文化振興会 協 賛 : タカラレーベン、竹中工務店、凸版印刷、トヨタ自動車
協 力 : 神戸ファッション美術館
公式サイト: https://kimonoten2020.exhibit.jp/ お問い合わせ先: 03-5777-8600(ハローダイヤル) 公式 Twitter: @kimonoten2020
YOSHIKI PR 事務局((株)イニシャル内) 担当:東山、岡本、藤原 TEL: 03-5572-7334 FAX: 03-5572-6065
MOBILE: 080-5325-8801 E-MAIL: [email protected]
1月28日発売「Numero TOKYO」NO.134 2020年3月号 表紙の近藤麻理恵様にYOSHIKIMONOをご着用頂きました!
Yoshikimono – the cutting-edge kimono fashion brand created by Japanese rock star YOSHIKI – has been chosen for the prestigious opening spot at Rakuten Fashion Week Tokyo 2020 S/S, to be held October 14, 2019.
“As the eldest son of kimono shop owners, kimono had been an integral part of my life since childhood,” said YOSHIKI. “Since I began living abroad, I’ve seen the importance and beauty of Japan’s traditional culture. This led to my strong desire to share this beauty with as many people around the world as possible. This is the first collection in three years. I’m so excited to share this with everyone.”
Opening #TokyoFashionWeek 2020 S/S!
Watch LIVE 10/14 @ 1:30pm JP time!
Japan→ http://ch.nicovideo.jp/yoshikiofficial
International→ http://yoshiki.net/YCI.html
VisualKei Afterparty with YOSHIKI after he headlines TV Asahi Dream Festival!
Watch LIVE 10/14 @ 10:00pm JP time!
Japan→ http://ch.nicovideo.jp/yoshikiofficial
International→ http://yoshiki.net/YCI.html
YOSHIKI will give a special performance as the headliner of TV Asahi’s 60th Anniversary Dream Festival on the final night, 10/14/2019!
Information: http://dreamfestival.jp/artist/lineup/
YOSHIKI has donated 10 million yen (appx. $93,000) to Japan’s Chiba prefecture which suffered a devastating blow from Typhoon Faxai on September 10, 2019.
YOSHIKI posted his personal message on Twitter after the disaster. “I’m in America now, and I just became aware that my hometown of Tateyama was hit, along with the entire Chiba prefecture, by a typhoon causing massive amounts of damage. I’m very concerned, and I’m praying for a fast recovery.”
Just two weeks after their release, a record 25,000 bottles have been shipped of the new wines by Y by Yoshiki — Y by Yoshiki Chardonnay “Encore” California 2017 and Y by Yoshiki Cabernet Sauvignon California 2017 — with stores sold out everywhere due to unprecedented demand.
Called “smart casual wines” by YOSHIKI, they were created in the desire to have many people enjoy relaxed drinking. YOSHIKI is involved in numerous projects around the world and visited the Napa Valley many times during breaks in his schedule. This release is a long-awaited new wine that has finally reached perfection after many tastings with Rob Mondavi Jr. in Napa.
YOSHIKI has donated $100,000 to Earth Alliance and its Amazon Forest Fund in support of local efforts on the ground that are working to support the indigenous and local communities that are protecting the land and biodiversity. After hearing about the increasing fires throughout the Amazon region, YOSHIKI discovered the newly launched Earth Alliance and reached out to make the donation through his 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Yoshiki Foundation America. YOSHIKI chose to donate to the Amazon Forest Fund and Earth Alliance, which is hosted by Global Wildlife Conservation, a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Earth Alliance is a new organization co-founded by Leonardo DiCaprio in order to help address the urgent threats to our planet’s life support systems.
For more information and to donate to the Amazon Forest Fund directly, visit: https://ealliance.org/amazonfund .
A tasting presentation celebrating the release of “Y by Yoshiki Chardonnay ‘Encore’ California 2017” and “Y by Yoshiki Cabernet Sauvignon California 2017” was held on August 9, 2019, at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo.
The new wines come from the “Y by Yoshiki” wine brand created by YOSHIKI in collaboration with Robert Mondavi Jr., a 4th generation Napa Valley winemaker. Since 2009, they have released 4 vintages, and all of them sold out immediately after release, causing the media to call them “phantom wines”. “Y by Yoshiki California” is smart, casual wine created with the concept of “having more people enjoy wine casually”.
“Though I was confident with my 10 years of winemaking experience, I impressed myself by creating such a smooth wine at this price range,” YOSHIKI said. “Still, I didn’t expect it to be sold out so quickly.” About his next wine, YOSHIKI says “It will be even better.”
YOSHIKI has donated 10 million yen to support the victims and survivors of the Kyoto Animation fire which occurred on July 18.After learning about the tragedy that befell the studio, YOSHIKI made the donation to the dedicated support fund established by Kyoto Animation through his 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Yoshiki Foundation America.
“I’m always doing tours around the world,” said YOSHIKI. “No matter where I go, animation fans come to my concerts and support my global activities. I’m always grateful to them. And I always want to contribute to the development of Japan’s anime culture, which I consider one of the world’s treasures. I truly share the pain of those who lost their families. I really hope this will assist the bereaved, and also hope that the circle of support around them will expand.”